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How To Boost Android Studio Speed

                                        How To Boost Android Studio Speed

here is the way using this you can boost up your runtime android studio speed

check this first 
Android Studio is infact pretty heavy. It's constantly doing work all of the time. I believe Eclipse is slightly less resource-hogging however, I don't think it would be a massive difference in that it's probably not worth it.What I would recommend is doing an Alt+Ctrl+Del whilst running Android Studio and taking a look at the CPU/Memory. If one is near the limit then, that will be the problem 
way 1 : 
Enable Offline Work:

Click File -> Settings. Search for "gradle" and click in Offline work box.
Go to Compiler (in same settings dialog just below Gradle) and add --offline to Command-line Options text box.
Improve Gradle Performance

gradle can be optimized too. The easy way is to modify the settings in global it if not exists in the following folders: Windows - C:\users\your_name\.gradle\; Linux- /home/<username>/.gradle/; Mac- /Users/<username>/.gradle/; ) and in that file, add these two lines:


another reason - Thumbs.db, which affected performance badly.

Go to File > Settings > Editor > File Types and in field Ignore files and folders add this:Thumbs.db;


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